About us

What We're

All About

Who We Are

Our Vision & Mission

Transforming lives with kindness

Kind does not equate to nice. Kind sees a problem and does something about it. Nice just kinda looks and smiles and walks away.

MissionImpacting schools through acts of kindness.

Vision:Transforming communities by impacting schools.

Pour Into 2 Pour Into

Children and youth are not just our future, but our present. We want to see kids and youth making meaningful contributions to their families, schools, and communities.

Jonathan Drouault
Co - Founder, President

Jonathan Drouault

Lead Mentor & President Of Let’s Rise Above Organization:

Jonathan is the father of two lovely children and husband of one amazing wife. He is also the co-founder of Let’s Rise Above. He holds and carries a wealth of knowledge, work experience and personal experience that allows him to best support students, staff, and families including:

* Let’s Rise Above Leadership Program Mentor (2 years)
* Youth Pastor (5 years)
* Vice President For Rise Above (5 Years)
* PBIS Teacher on Special Assignment (2 years)
* PBIS Alternative to Suspension Teacher (3 years)
* 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher (7 years)
* After School Program Assistant Site Liaison (2 years)
* AVID tutor (2 years)
* Bobcat Academy Instructional Aide (2 years)
* Hip hop dancer (10 years)