Our Mentors

Change Agents

With Vision

photo mar 19, 7 39 01 pm

Serve with Passion

Whatever it is that we do. We do it with our full ability. Serving with passion is critical in inciting change. Service done halfheartedly only meets a need, but doesn’t incite change. To incite change, how a person serves is just as important as the service they provide. We as a team ask ourselves, how can we serve better? Why do we serve? Our “why” always has to be strong.

Our Mentors

Professional Elites

Jonathan Drouault
Lead Mentor & President
Leandra Henderson
Mentor & Secretary
Dena Drouault
Mentor & Conference Coordinator

Numbers Speak

Our 2022 - 2023 Data Overview

0 %

Students attendance went up by

0 %

positive feedback
from stakeholders

0 Y

Experience working
w/ Students

Mr. Jonathan Drouault

Mentor & President

Provide them with a platform and watch what they do. Youth are capable of more than we expect.
