Our Mentors
Change Agents
With Vision

Serve with Passion
Whatever it is that we do. We do it with our full ability. Serving with passion is critical in inciting change. Service done halfheartedly only meets a need, but doesn’t incite change. To incite change, how a person serves is just as important as the service they provide. We as a team ask ourselves, how can we serve better? Why do we serve? Our “why” always has to be strong.
Our Mentors
Professional Elites
Jonathan Drouault
Lead Mentor & President
Leandra Henderson
Mentor & Secretary
Dena Drouault
Mentor & Conference Coordinator
Numbers Speak
Our 2022 - 2023 Data Overview
Students attendance went up by
positive feedback
from stakeholders
Experience working
w/ Students
Mr. Jonathan Drouault
Mentor & President
Provide them with a platform and watch what they do. Youth are capable of more than we expect.